Computer Languages:
Language | Origin of name | Year | Uses/Comments |
| | 1979 | Derived from Pascal, used primarily by the military. |
ALGOL | ALGOrithmic Language | 1960 | First structured procedural programming language, used mainly for solving math problems. |
APL | A Programming Language | 1961 | Interpreted language using a large set of special symbols and terse syntax. Used primarily by mathematicians. |
BASIC | Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code | 1965 | Very popular high-level programming language, frequently used by beginning programmers. |
C | Predecessor was Bell Laboratory's 1972 B Programming Language | 1972 | Compiled, structured, programming language commonly used in many workplaces because its programs are easy to transfer between different types of computers. |
C++ | Advanced version of C. Developed at ATT Bell Labs. | 1985 | C++ is used in numerous fields, such as accounting and finance systems, and computer-aided design. Supports object-oriented programming. |
COBOL | COmmon Business-Oriented Language | 1959 | English-like programming language, emphasizes data structures. Widely used, especially in businesses. |
| FOuRTH-Generation language (4 GL) | 1970 | Interpreted, structured language, easily extended. Provides high functionality in limited space. |
Fortran | FORmula TRANslation | 1954 | Initially designed for scientific and engineering uses, a high-level, compiled language now used in many fields. Introduced several concepts such as variables, conditional statements, and separately compiled subroutines. |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language | 1989 | Designed for publishing hypertext on the Internet. |
JAVA | Sun Microsystems developers drank a lot of coffee when coding for this. | 1990 | Originally developed for use in set-top boxes, transitioned to the World Wide Web in 1994. |
LISP | LISt Processing | 1960 | A list-oriented programming language, mainly used to manipulate lists of data. Interpreted language, often used in research, generally considered the "standard" language for Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects. |
LOGO | Derived from Greek logos, meaning word | 1968 | Programming language often used with children. Features a simple drawing environment and several higher-level features from LISP. Primarily educational. |
Modula-2 | MODULAr Language, designed as secondary phase of Pascal (Niklaus Wirth devised both) | 1980 | Language that emphasizes modular programming. High-level language based on Pascal, characterized by lack of standard functions and procedures. |
Pascal | Blaise PASCAL, mathematician and inventor of first computing device | 1971 | Compiled, structured language, based on ALGOL. Adds data types and structures while simplifying syntax. Like C language, it is a standard development language for microcomputers. |
PERL | Practical Extraction and Report Language | 1988 | It is a text-processing language that looks like a combination of C and several Unix text processing utilities. |
PILOT | Programmed Inquiry, Language Or Teaching | 1969 | Programming language used primarily to create applications for computer-aided instruction. Contains very little syntax. |
PL/1 | Programming Language One | 1964 | Designed to combine the key features of Fortran, COBOL, and ALGOL, a complex programming language. Compiled, structured language capable of error handling and multitasking, used in some academic and research environments. |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | 1986 | Designed as a metalanguage, it is used as an international standard for the description of marked-up electronic text. |
SQL | Structured Query Language | 1986 | Designed to be used for creating complex databases and accessing data in a relational database. |
VB | Visual Basic | 1990 | Sometimes called the Rapid Applications Development system, is used to build applications quickly. |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | 1977 | Used for creating arbitrarily-structured documents and Web pages; it is commonly associated with the Internet. |